CG Questions

The Call to Discipleship (Part 2)

May 12, 2024

  1. Read Luke 14:25-35 and Mark 8:34-9:1 again.

    • What stands out to you the most in these verses?

    • Do you find any challenging or difficult statements made by Jesus here? If so, which ones and why?

  2. What does Jesus mean by “hate” in verse 26?  How does this align with his overall message of love?

  3. Why does Jesus emphasize carrying one’s own cross in verse 27.

  4. How does the imagery of “counting the cost” relate to following Jesus?

  5. What does Jesus mean by “deny yourself, take up your cross and follow me?”

    • What might this look like in everyday life in Vancouver in 2024, in our homes, our neighborhoods and workplaces?

  6. Can you think of modern day examples of people who are living out this level of commitment.

  7. How do these passages challenge our understanding of discipleship and commitment to Jesus?

  8. What are some personal take aways you can apply in your life as you consider Jesus teaching?

  9. Pray for each other as a group as you seek to apply these principles in daily life.