“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
In what is often referred to as “the great commission,” Jesus calls and later, with the sending of the Holy Spirit, empowers His disciples to be disciple makers. A disciple is a follower and therefore, a disciple of Jesus is a follower of Jesus. The call to discipleship is the lifelong process of growing in your love and knowledge of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and coming alongside others and helping them in their growth too.
One way Midtown provides opportunities and support for Jesus’ call to discipleship is through our Discipleship Group (D-Group) ministry.
D-Groups are open to anyone out of high school who calls Midtown home and desires a deeper understanding of what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. D-Group participants don’t have to be followers of Jesus but simply have the desire to learn more. All are welcome.
D-Groups meet during the week in various locations where you can expect to develop friendships with other Midtowners, discuss the Bible, and have opportunities to learn and participate in the spiritual practices of prayer and meditation on the Scriptures—specifically the Scriptures that will be taught the following Sunday morning.
If you’re feeling at all hesitant about joining a D-Group or you’d like more information please email nicole@midtownchurch.com she would love to help.
Each D-Group meets weekly in a home or at Midtown, from September - May. There are three sessions:
Fall (11 weeks): week of Sept 15 - Nov 25
Winter (9 weeks): week of Jan 12 - Mar 9
Spring (9 weeks): week of Mar 30 - May 25