“As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace: whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ.”
The ministry of the local church isn’t to be carried out by a select few but by all followers of Jesus. In this way Christians model themselves after the Lord Jesus who didn’t come to be served but serve and give His life for many. The wonderful thing about the church is that all Christians are ministers of the gospel and empowered and gifted by the Spirit of God to serve the mission of the church in the places God has called them.
We’d love for you to become involved within Midtown by serving on a Sunday or during the week.
Ministry Teams (Serving Opportunities)
Helps everyone feel welcome by setting up, selling, or putting away café drinks and baking.
This person counts the number of people who attend a gathering on Sunday morning.
Do you like planning events? Do you like decorating? Do you like helping other people carry out a vision to make an event happen? Do you like planning fun events for people to get to know one another? This team helps with the various events at Midtown, and in the community, to provide a variety of ways for people to connect and engage with each other.
If you would enjoy keeping the building clean or tidy on a Sunday morning or during the week, or if you can fix things during the week, then this team is for you. This team has four subgroups, some are scheduled for Sunday and some are done based on your availability.
- Sunday Facility Tidy: Before the gathering tidies the lobby, bathrooms, and entrances to the building.
- Sanctuary Care: After the gathering puts away communion elements and removes garbage from the pews.
- Interior Cleaning: Random cleaning whenever it suits your schedule.
- Maintenance: Repairs, fixes, or builds things based on your availability.
Food Prep
If you like anything to do with food, this group is for you! It is divided into five subgroups:
- Breakfast Set up: Sets out baking and fruit for Sunday ministry teams before the first gathering.
- Bakers: Bakes for Sunday ministry team breakfast. Baking can be stored ahead of time in the Ministry Team freezer.
- Breakfast Clean Up: After the second gathering, cleans and puts away all breakfast items.
- Communion Prep: Purchases, prepares and puts out the communion elements before both gatherings.
- Shopper: Shops for breakfast and café items or events.
This group is for anyone who is willing and able to provide practical help to Midtowners who have various needs.
Examples of needs: making meals, taking people to appointments, fixing things around the house, providing temporary housing, babysitting, creating a meal train, etc.
You can join this group on the Church Center app or by clicking HERE.
Works with children in nursery to grade 6. On Sundays this includes leading them in worship and teaching (or assisting the teacher) the Bible. There are also other Kid connect events throughout the year that leaders may choose to be involved in.
Medical Response
The designated first responder if any medical emergency should take place on a Sunday, this role requires your OFA Level 2 certification. You can serve in this role WHILE serving in any of the other roles.
Outdoor Facilities
If you like being outside and enjoy making things look beautiful, then this team is for you. Tasks are seasonal and include raking leaves, cutting the lawn, gardening, removing garbage, power washing, or light snow removal.
Serves both those in the building and those watching from home, making it possible for us to hear the message and engage with worship—to be spiritually fed through the preaching of God’s Word.
Helps everyone feel secure by keeping an eye on things and occasionally having calming conversations with people who need them.
Helps everyone feel welcome and well informed either by greeting and saying goodbye or by giving information at the Connect desk.
Serves on Sunday mornings by leading the church in expressions of worship through prayer and song.
Helps lead and disciple students at weekly Friday night youth gatherings for students in grades 7-12.
If you wish to find out more information about any of these ministry opportunities and how to become involved please email connect@midtownchurch.com