Membership Class
Sunday, April 6th at 11:30am
Room 300
The Membership Class is for anyone interested in finding out more about membership at Midtown.
Attending the class will not automatically make you a member.
Foundations Class
Thursdays, April 24th - May 15th
7:00 - 8:30pm
Room 300
The Foundations class at Midtown is designed to serve as the Biblical overview of the foundation from which our theology and community springs. The content of the four-week class includes an overview and exploration of the Scriptures, God, Creation, Sin and Salvation.
This class is open to all, whether you are a seasoned Christian or just beginning to explore the Christian faith.
Baptism Class
The Baptism Class is for anyone interested in finding out more about baptism and/or wanting to be baptized. This, along with the Membership Class, is a requirement for anyone wanting to be baptized at Midtown. You don't have to commit to getting baptized, however, to take the class.
Next Baptism Class TBA