Discipleship Groups
Serve One Another
The first and last weeks of each session are set aside for groups to enjoy a meal together and to hear stories about how God is working in their lives.
Participant Involvement
If you are a Jesus follower then you’ve been given at least one Spiritual gift of God’s grace to help build up Midtown church (1 Cor 12:7). Part of discipleship is to help identify these gifts in one another and encourage ways to use them.
In the context of D-Groups, there may be weeks when participants, who show evidence of a speaking gift, will be asked to to lead the discussion time.
There will be opportunities for participants to lead or take part in things unique to each D-Group, which depend upon the desired interest of the participants. For example: your group may want to do a service project, an outreach activity, or a social event.
Informal Get Togethers
D-Groups can meet in part or in whole, anytime, anywhere, and may include family members for the purpose of deepening relationships, as they do life together with gospel intentionality.