Discipleship Groups

Serve One Another


  • The first and last weeks of each session are set aside for groups to enjoy a meal together and to hear stories about how God is working in their lives.

Guys and Gals

  • Four times each session, or as much as the leader deems necessary, the group divides into gendered groups to provide an opportunity for deeper sharing among just the guys or the gals. 

Participant Involvement

  • If you are a Jesus follower then you’ve been given at least one Spiritual gift of God’s grace to help build up Midtown church (1 Cor 12:7). Part of discipleship is to help identify these gifts in one another and encourage ways to use them. 

  • In the context of D-Groups, there will be weeks when participants, who show evidence of a speaking gift, will be asked to to lead the discussion time. 

  • There will be opportunities for participants to lead or take part in things unique to each D-Group, which depend upon the desired interest of the participants. For example: your group may want to do a service project, an outreach activity, or a social event.

Serving, Outreach, or Social Event Coordinator (S.O.S)

  • One person is chosen as the S.O.S COORDINATOR. 

  • This person organizes one thing for the group to do outside of a weekly meeting. It can take place anytime during the session.

  • The group contributes ideas over the first three weeks, and then the S.O.S COORDINATOR organizes and implements.

  • Examples include: doing a block party, visiting people at an elder care facility, cleaning the yard of an elderly person at Midtown or in your neighbourhood, doing a Christmas party for D-Group participants and their families, guys or gals night out, going on a hike, etc.

Informal Get Togethers

  • D-Groups can meet in part or in whole, anytime, anywhere, and may include family members for the purpose of deepening relationships, as they do life together with gospel intentionality. 

As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.
I Peter 4:10