Discipleship Groups

Meditating on the Scriptures

What does it mean to meditate on Scripture?

“Meditating on God’s Word is like spiritual food. It requires us to fully accept and understand the Bible’s teachings. It’s more than just reading—it’s about thinking deeply about the Word and letting it touch our hearts. Regularly practicing this discipline helps us hear God’s voice and respond, leading to positive changes in our lives.” 

In short, “to meditate is to ask yourself questions about the truth” and “seeks to use the mind intensely” (Tim Keller).

Here are some questions to help your mind think deeper about the things of God and how they relate to you:

  • Is there any example for me to follow?
  • Is there any command for me to obey?
  • Is there any error for me to avoid?
  • Is there any sin for me to forsake?
  • Is there any promise for me to claim?
  • Is there any new thought about God himself?
  • Am I living in light of this?
  • What difference does this passage make?
  • Am I taking this seriously?
  • If I believed and held to this, how would that change things?
  • When I forget this, how does that affect me and all my relationships?
  • Is there any example for me to follow?
  • Is there any command for me to obey?
  • Is there any error for me to avoid?
  • Is there any sin for me to forsake?
  • Is there any promise for me to claim?
  • Is there any new thought about God himself?
  • Am I living in light of this?
  • What difference does this passage make?
  • Am I taking this seriously?
  • If I believed and held to this, how would that change things?
  • When I forget this, how does that affect me and all my relationships?

To simplify these questions you may think of the word S.P.E.A.K.

SIN to avoid

Whatever sin the Spirit reveals to you, take time to repent and praise the Lord for leading you in the way everlasting.

PROMISE to claim

The Bible is full of precious and very great promises. These are what keep us from giving into temptation. We love these promises and hold on to them, and when tempted to sin, we remember these promises are better by far!


What do I learn from Jesus, the author, or a person in the Scriptures that I should imitate? Is there a word of encouragement, correction, warning or rebuke that I need to hear or pass on to someone else?

ACTION to take

What specifically do I need to do in response? Do I need to encourage, pray for, or help someone?

KNOWLEDGE or knowing God better

What do I learn about the Father, the Son, or the Holy Spirit? What truth do I need to remember or memorize?

* These questions are to stimulate your meditation, and will guide you as you share with your D-Group.