Defending Your Faith
An Overview of Classical Apologetics
January 26th to March 16th
Who: Defending Your Faith is a class open to High School students and Young Adults
What: In Defending Your Faith: An Overview of Classical Apologetics with R.C. Sproul, Dr. R.C. Sproul surveys the history of apologetics and demonstrates that reason and science are your allies in defending the existence of God and the historical truth claims of Jesus Christ. He affirms four logical premises that are necessary for all reasonable discourse, and teaches you how to defend your faith in a faithless world. Furthermore, he points out that there are many levels on which to defend your faith, and shows how apologetics brings comfort and confidence to Christians of all ages.
When: Weekly, after the gathering. The course is a 32 week course that will be broken up in 3 semesters (January-March, April-June, and September-December). The class will last around an hour each week.
Where: Midtown Church
Other Expectations: There will also be light homework that shouldn't exceed an hour each.