Ten Commandments

Ten Commandments
It’s hard to know what to do with the Ten Commandments. You have those who wish that they be posted in every school, city hall and house of worship. And then you have those like Andy Stanley, well-known Pastor in the U.S., who writes that Christians no longer have to follow the Ten Commandments at all. What can’t be debated is that when first given to Moses on Mt. Sinai the Ten Commandments played a prominent role in God’s story with His people. Not only are they listed on the front end of the recording of the Law of God in Exodus 20 but the tablets they were written on were placed inside the Ark of the Covenant when it was housed in the Holy of Holies.
In this summer series we consider whether the Ten Commandments are still to be followed by people today. We are also going to look at each commandment individually week by week and see how Jesus actually ramps up the command itself and our call to follow it.
Ep. 01
Ep. 01
No Other Gods
July 3, 2022
In this kick off message to a summer series on the Ten Commandments we begin by asking whether we should study the Ten Commandments at all. Are Christians obligated to follow commands from the Old Testament? We then look specifically at the first command to have no other gods before God Himself and what that means for us today.
Ep. 02
Ep. 02
July 10, 2022
The First Commandment forbids us from worshipping false gods; the Second Commandment forbids us from worshipping the true God falsely. The Second Commandment raises lots of questions: What’s wrong with making images of God - especially if it seems like they might aid our worship? Why does God give this command? What does it mean to keep this commandment in a visual culture like ours?
Ep. 03
Ep. 03
Lord’s Name
July 17, 2022
What does it mean to "take the name of the Lord your God in vain"? It is so much more than using his name as a swear word. It's about treasuring his name. It's about worship.
Ep. 04
Ep. 04
July 24, 2022
In our society we value busyness and productivity and struggle to Sabbath because it seems downright wrong and countercultural. When I use the word, “Sabbath” I’m not talking about taking a day for yourself. I’m talking about taking a day to be with God, in His presence, to remember who He is and what He has done for you, to enter His rest.
Ep. 05
Ep. 05
Honor Parents
July 31, 2022
The fifth commandment is simply to honour ones parents, which provides a foundation for understanding God’s design for family & human flourishing. In an age where respect for authority is devalued and family’s are often marked by brokenness, this is a particularly challenging command for us to receive. In this sermon we’ll consider what this command asks, what it promises, how to practice it, and who it points to.
Ep. 06
Ep. 06
August 7, 2022
In this message we arrive at a command that is law in all nations of the world. We consider why the taking of another life is so wrong and ask if there are any exceptions to the command. We end by addressing how the New Testament takes this command to another level.
Ep. 07
Ep. 07
August 14, 2022
Our only hope in keeping the seventh commandment is to love Jesus more than we love ourselves.
Ep. 08
Ep. 08
August 21, 2022
Studies show that a high majority of people feel they have completely satisfied God's command against stealing. This sermon looks at the many ways people steal in the Bible and why none of us stand innocent. It closes with the reminder that we all need something from God that only He can provide - it can't be earned, it can't even be stolen, it must be given.
Ep. 09
Ep. 09
August 28, 2022
This message looks at the many ways we lie, the core reason for why we lie and ends by looking at what we should do instead. It wraps up by remembering Jesus, the faithful witness, Truth embodied, who was silent before false witnesses so that all liars could become children of God.
Ep. 10
Ep. 10
September 4, 2022
We finish off this series by looking at the command that goes after the motives behind what we do. The command to not covet isn't about our conduct but our hearts, which God is most interested in and has been from the very beginning.