Discipleship Groups
“Discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness.”
Making Jesus known is an all-inclusive, wide-ranging mission in which we desire to see people come to know Jesus, and grow in the knowledge of Jesus, until the day comes when we see Him face to face. And we have not been created to do this alone, we all need help and encouragement.
D-Group participants are asked to:
Attend Midtown Sunday gatherings in person.
Attend D-Group.
Prepare for the weekly meeting by mediating on the Scriptures that will be preached in the upcoming sermon. You will be taught how to do this using the S.P.E.A.K acronym. (Click here to learn more.)
Share something you learned from your time of meditation.
Pray for your prayer partner or group. (Click here to learn more.)
Serve one another through sharing meals, participating in service, outreach, or social events that the group decides to do. (Click here to learn more.)
Registration remains open until the group is full.
If someone wants to continue in a D-Group into the next session, re-registering is not necessary. Your spot will be saved as long as you inform your leader of your desire to continue.
If you have any questions about D-Groups please email nicole@midtownchurch.com

David & Christine
Wednesdays @ 7:30pm
Riley Park area of Vancouver
Group Currently Full